Pepper's got quite a lot of room, another bonus over the Wrangler. I can fit myself, Ali, Foxy, the stroller, the megapack of disposable diapers from Costco and the hypothetical dog all in. There won't be a dog, for as long as I have my very acute sense of smell. Here's a look from the left, and then the right.
I took Pepper (oooh, I nearly typed Baby) out to see Bobby and his boss. "What's the difference between a cactus and a Volkswagen, Dax?" I've come to expect jokes from Bobby's boss, and considering he runs a Maserati shop, the jokes will be on me or my car until I buy one from him. I didn't know the answer. "A cactus has pricks on the OUTside. You bought yourself a Jokes-wagen, kid". He calls me kid, even though he's probably less than ten years older than me. "But it's a good car, and you got the baby now".
I drove out to visit Sissy and Enzo J for a little bit and snap some more photos. Enzo J is getting pretty big now, and he's quite a social lad. Here's Pepper during a visit to Enzo J's house:
The dealership just called to advise that they overcharged me on the purchase. Sweet! That's why you should always be honest in matters financial. I'm richer than I expected to be.
Imagine shlepping halfway around the world with everything you own, oh and a toddler and a three-month old because your husband got a new job in the colonies. A bit of a shakeup I guess, but then imagine having to truck it all back plus two kids and a looming divorce all because the guy you followed dutifully around the world couldn't keep it in his pants. On the way to the dealership this morning, I noticed my very nice neighbour moving house. I got the story and I felt really, really angry. I had hoped that Foxy would be able to make friends with two very adorable Japanese kids in the same block of flats. I was mostly angry though because of what my good friend was being forced to do by no fault of her own. Her daughters are very disappointed in their father, and I hope he pays for it the rest of his life. I'm a little sensitive to these things. I have a great wife, he has a great wife. I have a young daughter, he has two. Why would a guy whose got a great family smash it like that?
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