And this is why firefighters rock: One of them checked the seat over. He couldn't actually certify it, but the fact that he took time out of his day to do me a favour really made my day. He actually told me that I should have got a better seat, and then told me where I could get the same one he got for his kid. But he also said that when my seat is installed properly, it will be totally legal.
I went to the place that he mentioned because I had to get some storage bins anyway, and I found the seat on sale just like he said. The only seat your child will ever need - it's a dual-facing seat that will accomodate the child as an infant, toddler, tyke and whatever you call a nine-year old. It claims to be the only seat approved for airplanes, which might make Ali happy, BUT there is no carry seat. NO SALE! When Foxy is old enough to walk, I'll consider it. I'm a little tapped after a trip to IKEA yesterday. Ironically, everything I bought yesterday was completely free according to my bank, but before I ran out and bought some lottery tickets I took the more prudent stance and assumed the worst. My debit card had been skimmed. Of course nobody can get to the bottom of this until at least Monday. I'm trying to put my trust in Customer Service, but I'll have to continue due diligence and follow up tomorrow. Right now, I could be buying a Bentley and I'll never get to see it. Patience....
Cue the photos: After many, many requests for photos of Foxy, Kohei finally sent me a disc with all the photos he's taken since I left Tokyo. It occurred to me that I could put up some photos to show how much Foxy has grown and changed since she was born. It's been quite the ordeal for her so far, at least two earthquakes and last week a typhoon. Just for reference, we'll start with a photo of her when she was born - after they cleaned off all the icky bits:

And here's one taken the day after I left. Yes, she had a bit of an acne problem:
And here's one two weeks later:
And then about a week after that:
Two weeks after that one:
And this one was taken the next day. It's been retouched because Grandpa Kohei doesn't understand about camera flash and babies' eyes. From day one, he's been using a high powered flash for all of Foxy's photos and some of them have red-eye. He retouched this one:
And this one a week later:
And this one almost a week after that:
A day later. Foxy was so tired after a day of taking over the world:
A couple days more:
And then a week after that:
It doesn't seem like a lot of change going on, but when you compare the first and last side by side...

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