Here's some photos of me in my Uniqlo shirt and Foxy on a not-so-recent "fact finding" trip to Seattle. If you look closely you can see my first grey hair. I now have more than one. Randy and Kat told us about a café that has some really kick ass hot chocolate. Now, I must tell you that I'd already had good hot chocolate... It's just part of my life but I will say that this place does it better. They said they almost didn't have enough chocolate, so I was surprised when they brought out two servings.
On to other things. What a fun trip to Boston. I say, we must do that more often. Quite frankly I didn't want to leave in the first place and Ali wanted to go back as soon as we got home. I did however get home just in time to get some leads on a job, right before the long weekend so that was nice.
Enzo and Sissy came over for dinner on Sunday. Well, not really. They came over but we went out for dinner. Enzo paid for a surprisingly mediocre dinner (not his fault) and Sissy suggested we all go for gelato. I pipped in that I would pay for the dessert, but somewhere along the way I changed my mind. Maybe it was while the Nike+ Human Racers prevented us from crossing the street that I had time to think about it. Actually, it was because the vendor decided to charge me to use my debit card. Get that. The vendor made a business decision and signed a contract to accept another form of payment (not credit card) but didn't accept the part about how the vendor will pay all charges to the debit card issuer. Hmmm, I never knew that you could sign a contract but decide which parts you don't like and say no. Anyway, it's kind of douchebaggy in my opinion that a businessperson would make this type of decision and then pass a normal cost of doing business onto the customer, and then make a big sign that says "Cash is preferred". Guess what, Fucknut? Debit card is cash. It comes straight from my bank account to yours. But that's not what I was mad about. I was actually mad that they didn't accept credit card.
This particular gelato guy has a reputation - at least among his regulars and former-regulars like myself - as being a bit of an ice cream nazi. What really pisses me off about this guy is that he doesn't do anything in his dad's shop. He just stands around shouting at the minimum wage help who are just trying to pay for school, and barks at customers. He wasn't there this time around, but he really needs to understand that he's not the only gelato vendor in New York City. Sissy paid for it instead. We all had gelato, except for Foxy. Enzo dropped his on the pavement because it was on the cone and not in the cone, and Enzo J got his gelato all over his face and overalls and in his shoes. Talented boy. I had pistachio and regretted not being able to share with Foxy, but she had some of Ali's.
Foxy decided that the end of August was as good a time as any to let me know that the best use of our time and resources would be for her and Ali to share the big bed. I'm on the couch now, and Ali doesn't see anything wrong with that except for the constant hair pulling. Don't worry, I got that one covered. Randy's going to give us one of his old Hallowe'en wigs so that we can trick Foxy into tugging on that instead of Ali's real hair.
I'm back in school and am looking forward to it. What? It'll be interesting. It would be nice to have a decent job to go along with that, but I'll have to wait for that I suppose.
I saw a little presentation about the usurper of blogs at Yongfook. There are several "lifestreams" out there, but his is better and called Sweetcron. He's been talking about it for a long time and finally finished it. Oh yeah, he likes lolcats, poor poor boy. I still pronounce it [switkorn] as though the spelling is meant to be incorrect, but it's supposed to be [switcr^n]. So it goes that really busy people don't have time to blog any more, and so using Sweetcron is an excellent way for those busy folks to manage their websites so that readers can follow them better, or currently. I thought this would be an excellent thing for people who like to live in fishbowls, or for people who have have a lot they want to share with friends and strangers. I also thought this would be a great time save to the blog, and I wouldn't have to type as much as I do, but Sweetcron is all about managing content so I would need content, a nice euphemism for life. I don't have a lot of content to share, so I'm going to pass on Sweetcron. It might be just the thing for you though. To be honest, I was just amazed that there are people out there who think about stuff like this, and can actually build it. But then again I still find voicemail amazing.
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