Saturday, December 23, 2006

A Little Change Up

I'll be taking a few days off of work, and it's hard to imagine why but I'm actually looking forward to it. I've been at the new place for two weeks now, and it's a pretty good place to work, except for my supervisor. I've had worse, believe me but this guy is constantly kvetching. about. everything.

It took some time to pinpoint his demeanor, but it's like this. Imagine Hugh Laurie as Dr. House, you know, the genius doctor who pisses on everyone around him because they're not as smart or as good as he is. Only my supervisor is no genius, and he doesn't walk with a cane. Then, add that to the fact that he looks like a roughed up version of Tin Tin - ginger hair and turtlenecks.

Everyone on the job deals with him because they have no choice and they realize that he's the kind of person who can't be any other way, so I guess they feel sorry for him in a way. He tries to be nice, but his conversation somehow always devolves into a declaration of how stupid our clients are, and how our co-workers don't know how to do their jobs. Always careful to never name names, he'll never make a mistake or at least never concede that he's made a mistake and that if something bad happens it must be your fault, logically. I like my other co-workers, and I put up with my supervisor because I was hired to muck out the place - not to deal with his drama. There's a lot of muck.

And all this made my time away from work so much more enjoyable. Trey, my wax guy had another recital last night and WOW! That's all I can really say. It's almost two years since I went to a recital, and I had almost forgotten how amazing his singing voice is. One lady a few rows down started to cry during Ave Maria. There's such a disconnect between Trey from the salon and Trey the opera singer. He started with some new stuff, a little Bizet and then after the intermission he came back with some old stuff by Giordani. Caro mio ben was the first song I'd ever heard him sing and it really freaked my mind. Last night too, it was difficult to make the connection between Salon Trey and Stage Trey. For a little treat he sang Silent Night - uh-MAZING! And then he ended with Con te partirĂ². It took me a minute to figure out where I'd heard the song before. At first I thought it was Celine Dion but since I don't listen to anything Celine I was puzzled. I remembered that I had heard Andrea Bocelli's version like a million times a few years ago. Everyone bought the CD, except me.

I stuck around afterward for a little bit to show some support. I mean, the guy waxes my junk so it was the least I could do. He was surrounded by a crowd so I didn't get a chance to congratulate him, and besides my stylist was there all alone. I gave her a ride home and then met Ali and a few of her friends and played my favourite game - chauffeur. Ali's got a full calendar for the next little while. She's made so many friends here, and it's going to take a while to say goodbye to them all. She's hoping to accomplish this all before the 27th, and then it's sayonara.

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