Saturday, July 08, 2006

About Those First Impressions

I can only assume that I was hired at my new job six weeks ago based on a whopping first impression. I can be good at those, remember? I intended for this post to be about the awesome day I had driving a smooth Jeep Commander to and from work, but it didn't turn out that way. Let's just say that the Commander was the best part of the whole Jeep-in-the-shop experience. And it was probably the only thing I had to look forward to after work today because I was sacked.

Sacked sacked sacked.

Apparently, I was not meeting a totally different set of expectations than the ones I was hired to meet. Of course the termination was a bit of a one-sided affair, and the dude didn't care what I had to say about the situation. That's fine - they were scrambling when they hired me and they're scrambling even harder now that I and some long-time staff have left. Good luck Frenchies.

Karma. That's all they need to focus on. It's all good because I've got a job lined up for the rest of the summer street-teaming as a t-shirt model/conveyance. Not a bad gig if you can get it. $600 a week (tax-free) to lounge around high-visibility areas - like the beach - looking good and wearing ill-fitting t-shirts that have stupidly funny slogans on them. It's supposed to make other people want to buy the t-shirt you are wearing, or some such thing and then that way the t-shirt vendor makes stonking piles of money by paying me $600 a week, and I get to work on my tan. Win-win.

1 comment:

lainieyeoh said...

Very win-win.