Thursday, December 22, 2005

There Is a Cabal...

and it wants me to be alone. The cabal consists of Dad, Sissy, and possibly my dad's partner. I don't want to believe this, but it may also involve Hank, in which case the cabal has even more sinister motives.

My dad is famous for not getting involved in a project unless he retains total control. He is also famous for changing the project at the last minute (or as close as possible). That way, he always makes the last move and rips away any concessions. I knew this was going to happen, but I thought that I would be able to see it coming. He called me tonight and told me that he was changing plans for Christmas. He vetoed any chance of Miki coming to dinner. I just called her and let her down. She didn't sound too upset. I asked her out for Friday instead, on account of I'm getting a salary packet now but guess what? She's busy.

So the obvious question is: Why would Dad veto Miki? He's never met her so it couldn't possibly be based on past events. Or could it? Well, Dad disapproves of all my girlfriends, unless she has large(ish) breasts in which case he wants to cop a feel. She could have a PhD from Harvard, win beauty pageants as a hobby and develop a cure for the common cold in her spare time, and she still wouldn't be good enough.

Sissy also has an axe to grind. She calls it "protective advice", but seriously, if she listened to her own advice she never would have landed her husband. I had to facilitate that whole process as well, and despite all that she still cuts me off at the knees. Apart from offering unsolicited, deliberately misleading counsel, Sissy will trash talk, or at least not say anything complementary about any woman I show the slightest interest in. I guess its her way of saying "Choose family, or choose her. You can't have both".

Dad will also talk trash about my girlfriends if they happen to belong to a particular racial group. He had a bad experience with a woman from that particular group, and now he assumes that all women in that group are out to burn me. The astoundingly hypocritical part of it is that his partner is a member of said racial group.

At this rate, any chance of a meaningful relationship with anyone of any particular group is approximating zero. I'm fighting a losing battle here.


Anonymous said...

First off what the hell is a "cabal"? Second your sister wants you to be happy and get laid, so why don't you try going out with a girl that puts out instead of these shy types that are only here temporary anyways.
Your brother inlaw

Anonymous said...

I think he didn’t like the statement:
“…but seriously, if she listened to her own advice she never would have landed her husband.”
Cabal =
n 1: a clique (often secret) that seeks power usually through intrigue [syn: faction, junto, camarilla] 2: a plot to carry out some harmful or illegal act (especially a political plot) [syn: conspiracy]
Why do peeps ask silly questions that would take 2 seconds to figure out at!
Newbie UG!
Personally I think that sucks about your Dad.
I would love to meet this girl/woman before her “temporary” stay is over.
Relationships are not all about getting laid, as your sister might think.
But wait that is not her giving her opinion… it is her husband right?
Note to brother-in-law: The internet is for your own thoughts and feelings, if Sissy wanted to express her self she should have posted on her own.
NOW for my Big Question…is this story true?
If not, I hate it when you get me. LOL
Luv and Stuff
Orange Peel

Dax said...

There is no way of knowing if the first post is actually by my BIL, so don't be too hard. But careful linguistic analysis (hurrah Arts degree!) leads me to conclude that it is in fact, my BIL.
Fair criticism is fair game on this blog, and I actually appreciate that the BIL has taken the time and effort message in. When I first read the message, I didn't think that he was offended. I took it as a defence of Sissy, who probably doesn't have time to read the blog in the first place. Besides, he raises some good points. Yes, the story is true inasmuch as an opinion can be true. I was pretty harsh when I wrote that entry anyway, and everything is going great now.