Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Yumi, Her Vitz and Pho

I have a reputation as a guy who can't get a date. Trust me, the list goes on and on. My friends like to tease me about it, even my relatives like to tease me now and then. I've heard all the lines. I've even come to expect them, and it doesn't even bother me anymore when a woman says she's not interested. Afterall, why would she be interested? What gets me though, is that I can't even score in my dreams. So when a woman responds "In your dreams!", as they so often do, all I can do is shrug and say, "I should be so lucky".
I don't dream very often, but lately I have been having some pretty vivid dreams. I attribute that to the chinese food combo I ordered on Friday and the copious amounts of MSG therein. The menu says Dinner for 2, as if to mock me but seriously its enough for 6 people with normal appetites. So the rare luxury of dreaming has brought two dreams in the last few months in which I get shot down. I don't remember the exact details of the first dream, but I clearly remember it involved me and a friend who had confided that she was not happy with her marriage. She's totally my type, and I even asked her out once. That's how I learned about the husband. In the dream I guess I figured I had a shot because you know, it was MY dream, but no. She told me that she was not going to leave her man. I mentioned this to a few friends and they laughed, like they always do at my being soltero. That's okay, I knew they'd laugh.
The other night I had a dream about Yumi. She picked me up in her car which could only happen in a dream, and then she treated me to some pho, beef pho to be exact, and then to a movie. Right there I knew I was going to score. She bought me dinner, so I have to put out. That's like a rule or something I heard from my sister. We sat in the back row of a drama geared toward middle-aged people, and as the movie progressed the seats we were in transformed into my queen size bed. Yumi and I were holding hands, possibly because I can remember writing air kanji in her hands at the Picasso exhibit. That's about as steamy as it got, and my friends know why. What could be better than holding hands in a movie theatre in a queen size bed? A lot of things, but I blew it. See, I saved the refrigerated ceramic plates that our spring rolls were served on at the pho restaurant and snuck them in the theatre. While Yumi was watching the film, I slipped a refrigerated plate between the mattress and the small of her back which made her jump. She didn't like that, and she stormed out of the theatre. I jumped out of bed and tried to calm her down. She wasn't listening, she just kept screaming in the street about how I always had to ruin a good moment. She jumped into her black Toyota Vitz and drove off leaving me stranded in the middle of a street I didn't recognize. I woke up then. This answers a few questions, but raises quite a few more important ones like: How can a Toyota Vitz appear in my dream when I've never even seen one before? How did I know that we were eating pho? I've never eaten pho, let alone beef pho.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dr. Howdy is gayer than the next post in this blog.